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Ce a aflat Anca Alexandrescu despre noul ministru de Externe: „Hurezeanu a renunțat la cetățenia română”. Legături cu Michael Schimdt, un afacerist apropiat de Iohannis

Anca Alexandrescu, realizatoarea emisiunii Culisele Statului Paralel de la Realitatea Plus, a făcut noi dezvăluiri după numirea lui Emil Hurezeanu în fruntea Ministerului de Externe. 

The main conceptual idea of the text is that Anca Alexandrescu, a Romanian TV journalist, raises concerns about the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, Emil Hurezeanu. Her main points are: * Hurezeanu is potentially responsible for Romania not joining Schengen: She cites a Romanian politologist living in Switzerland who blames Hurezeanu, Romania's former ambassador to Austria, for the delay. * Hurezeanu's ties to Michael Schmidt are suspect: She believes Hurezeanu's relationship with Schmidt, a businessman close to President Iohannis, requires further explanation. Schmidt allegedly sponsored Hurezeanu's events at the Romanian Embassy in Berlin. * Hurezeanu's dual citizenship is problematic: Alexandrescu highlights that Hurezeanu renounced his Romanian citizenship, claiming Germany's two-citizen law prevented it. However, he only regained it when appointed ambassador to Germany in 2015, raising suspicions about his motives. Alexandrescu's overall message is that these undisclosed connections and Hurezeanu's handling of his citizenship raise serious questions about his suitability for the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs.

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